Wallace World Scape
Like the Junkyard Scape the Wallace World Scape (named after its discoverer) had no living native humans when the Unity landed. However, it is not entirely clear what caused their extinction, which must have occurred in the far more distant past; some scientists have even speculated that humans never evolved on this Scape. The volcanic eruptions of Mount Toba and Yellowstone on this Scape were perhaps large enough to annihilate prehistoric humanity, if they even lived.
Despite the supposedly more severe and frequent earthquakes and volcanism the land is presently rich in wildlife, bearing a cacophony of exotic species branched from the Pleistocene megafauna. As further evidence suggesting that humans had never lived on this Scape, the ground is rich with oil and minerals even at the sites of the most ancient mining and exploitation in the history of other Scapes. The devastation of the Great Slick threatened numerous aquatic species with extinction, but the most obvious victims were genetically saved by Austral science.